Together Farms produces: 100% grassfed Beef and Lamb; wild-foraging non-GMO pastured Pork; Soaps, Salves and Lip Balms from the fats produced by the animals (Good Fat Skincare); and we host Freezer-to-Slow Cooker workshops. All our meat is processed without weird stuff (no MSG, nitrates/ites, etc). We never use hormones, antibiotics, pesticides or herbicides. We DO use essential oils, clays, apple cider vinegar, and high quality sea salts and minerals to produce nutrient-dense meats. We also never confine our animals and raise them on the soil and in the sun – this cures 99% of what ailes their confined cousins. We raise heritage breeds that do well in the conditions we provide with the added benefit of tasting much better! Not only is our meat more pleasing to the palate, but it is also more pleasing to your body – pigs that are outside will naturally contain vitamin D – so you can slow down on the supplements. Beef and lamb raised on grass alone, as they were designed to do, have the correct ratio of omega 3’s to 6’s so problems rooted in excess “heat” like arthritis will subside. Truly they are good for you, the land and the local economy (triple bottom line, what the 3 leaf clover in our logo is pointing to). Our meat is sold by the cut, in bundles (like the ones that go with this eCookbook) and in bulk (wholes, halves and quarters). We sell to stores and restaurants in the WI and MN areas, through the on-farm store, at farmer’s markets and we ship throughout the US.
In addition to the things we raise we also sell organic chicken from a MN farm (actively looking for an intern so we can raise our own poultry again), high-quality ferments, like sauerkraut, from another farmer friend and non-GMO, high-quality salsas from a local producer.
There are videos on our website of both Andy and myself talking about the farm and all we’ve gone through (see here: But, here it is in a nutshell: Through a stroke of Providence we moved to the farm at the end of 2009 and immediately began transitioning it from a state of neglect and chemicals to one of love and health. It didn’t take long for the land and the animals to respond to the care and attention they were receiving (thankfully our bodies act the same way!). Even through the myriad of weather problems that relentlessly pounded us we continued to grow. Other farms shut their doors but we continued investing and building resiliency. Now that the weather is mostly cooperating and we’ve gotten our legs under us, we are beginning to see a return on our investment through happy animals, resilient land and healthy customers.
Our ultimate goal is to be a self-sufficient permaculture based farm but trees take a long time to grow. So in the meantime we are buying in non-GMO feeds for the pigs and intensively grazing our outstanding grass and legume pastures with the beef and sheep.
We’d love to show you the farm or share our health-promoting foods with you! Contact us or place your order today!