๐ Best Of award results are in! Thank you!! โค
posted on
February 10, 2022
Wow!! We put everything we have into this place and are beyond grateful by the community's love & support for all we do. We could hardly believe the results for Volume One's Best Of voting but the people have spoken:
We'll start with the best one of all:
#1 Best Shop Pet to Mister Fluffypants!! ๐ฅณ
#1 Best Organic Farm (wow)
#1 Best CSA (meal kits for the win!)
#2 Best French Fries (so good)
#2 Best Food Event
#2 Best Restaurant for Outdoor Dining
#3 Best Family Entertainment Business
Truly honoring and humbling.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for loving our farm and taking time to show it.
Puts a little more wind our sails to make 2022 EVEN BETTER!!! I better get to work.....