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Small, Realistic Lifestyle Changes for 2019

posted on

January 1, 2019

Did you know 80% of New Year's Resolutions will fail by the second week of February? I am guilty of setting New Year's Resolutions about getting healthier, exercising, saving money etc... but within a month or two I've usually given up. How can we make sure we stick to those resolutions or goals?! By making smaller and realistic changes! Hear me out, if your goal is to wake up earlier - why not start with small increments? If your goal is to lose weight - why not start by eating healthier and then moving on to bigger steps? Here are just two things that could make a HUGE difference for you and your family, if your goal is to try and eat healthier (which is a great step if your bigger goal is to lose weight):


Sugar is seriously SO bad for you.. I'm not going to give you a lecture about it (unless you really want me to), but here is just a small list of why sugar is bad for you:

  • Sugar can cause Weight Gain
  • Sugar can increase your risk of Heart Disease
  • Sugar can cause Acne
  • Sugar can increase your risk of Diabetes
  • Sugar can increase your risk of Cancer
  • Sugar can increase your risk of Depression
  • Sugar can lead to a Fatty Liver

I could keep going, but do you really need me to? There is so much added sugar in basically EVERYTHING we consume, even in bacon because apparently nothing is safe anymore... There are short-term diets you can look into that will curb your sugar addiction; Whole 30, Keto, etc. Once you have finished a round of one of these diets, you could make some day-to-day grocery shopping changes to keep that sugar at bay. For example, you could purchase our Sugar Free Bacon, in addition to our pigs being pasture raised they are also fed healthy food! As you may know, our motto is "No Weird Stuff!" and we have worked VERY hard to make sure no strange ingredients end up in our meat. To go even further, our butcher is amazing and willing to make batches of our Bacon without sugar! 

Once you start reading labels of your food products, you're going to find sugar in the ingredients everywhere; breakfast sausages, chorizo, brats, etc, so you can also find all of our Sugar Free products in our store using the tag "Sugar Free."


Making an entire diet change can be difficult, but what if you only did it a night or two a week to start? You could replace one of your weeknight meals with one of our Meal Kits - which usually follow those major diets mentioned above and are gluten-free and dairy-free! So even if you aren't tackling a whole new diet, but want to make some healthier meals throughout the week our Meal Kits are perfect for you. Our Meal Kits are great even if you aren't making diet changes, but you have family members or friends that have food allergies. If you swap out one or more meals per week with one of our Meal Kits, I promise you will see some great changes! Plus they're super delicious, so you can't even tell you're eating super healthy!!!

I know what you're thinking, "I don't have time to make a recipe that takes 30+ minutes!" - but what is SO SO great about our Meal Kits, is that they are specifically created to SAVE you time!! All you do is dump the contents into your slow cooker, turn your slow cooker on high or low for the specified amount of time (normally 8 hours aka all day), and come back to a delicious meal! This is a GREAT way to avoid fast food, because you just have to think of it in the morning and throw the meal in the slow cooker! How easy is that?

We also have eCookBooks that have all of our favorite recipes to make your own meals at home and save time and hassle (convenience is key with making these lifestyle changes) plus almost all of our eCookBooks come with with our super amazing pre-made and customizable grocery lists and labels! 

I'm still a sucker for New Year's Resolutions.. but I think that making the changes above will really help create better eating habits for myself and my family. What is your goal for 2019? Have you made any crazy New Year's Resolutions that you quickly gave up on? Leave us a comment and let us know!

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Your kitchen and backyard are full of powerful plant allies! Join us on February 22 at Together Farms for a hands-on class exploring common culinary herbs and backyard β€œweeds” that support heart health and overall wellness. πŸŒ±πŸ’“   🌟 In this class, you’ll discover:  πŸƒ Herbs that promote heart health, circulation, and vitality   πŸƒ Simple ways to incorporate healing plants into your daily routine   πŸƒ The hidden benefits of common "weeds" growing in your own backyard πŸƒ PLUS: Make & take home TWO herbal remedies to support your well-being!   πŸ“… Date: February 22, 1-2:30pm πŸ“ Location: Together Farms   🎟️ Tickets: $20 – Purchase in-person at Together Farms but RSVP is required (email or purchase online at Temperance Herbals & Healing. Nourish your heart and body naturallyβ€”let’s explore herbal wellness together! πŸŒΏπŸ’š 

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