If you're reading this, you're above average.You may not realize it and if you do, well, it's still nice to be told how important you are because sometimes we forget how much our choices impact those around us....which impact the people around them and eventually ripple out to entire communities.....So here is your reminder of how big a deal it is when you buy local and shop small with your Together Farm's friends (any time of the year - not just the holidays!).In fact, I came up with the top 12 reasons + 1 fun bonus reason to shop local & small: Our meat tastes better (especially the pork - heaven's to betsy I can't even smell the industrial stuff anymore. I'm ruined for life!)Our meat is better for you: nutrient-dense + bio-available! Our animals are happier and have just one bad day instead of all bad days (plus those sad & stressed out hormones have to be impacting the health & wellness of the people eating them). Our food is safe (from the butcher's freezer to our freezer to your freezer 1-2-3, no intercontinental travel required!). You are supporting a small local family farm in addition to local family-owned butchers, shippers and many more (see last year's numbers). It may surprise you to learn that a lot of the big meat players (Smithfield, Tyson) are now owned by China and the beef industry is a hot mess since vertical integration is a little more difficult but the control is still highly concentrated in the hands of a few who are in court for running a monopoly and stealing from farmers and consumers. Awesome. Every 1$ spent with us or a farm like us is $1 less supporting this con job.You are building community & creating local jobs.For every $100 you spend locally, $68 stays in the community (versus $43 at national chains, I bet this is even lower for the online conglomerates like amazon).You are keeping your taxes down (cheap food has enormous costs that are just paid in different places) & keeping your sales tax in your community.You are supporting clean air & water. You are supporting wildlife. You are creating a sustainable future. You are creating a destination (Burger Night specifically) that will draw in more above average people and create huge local benefits.You have a choice & are getting what you want! (We give you more of what you want and less of what you don't - although we still haven't cracked that 1 lb ground beef supply/demand need but gosh darnit we keep trying!)Fun bonus: When you hit that "Place Your Order" button and the email comes through telling us we have a new order - Andy & I both smile, regardless of whatever might be going on around us....yes, even if we are sorting cattle and that one frickin' one keeps going the wrong way: Argh! 🤬 Oh look! An order! 😁So I guess the big question now is what can we do for you? It's already December so that means some of you have been done with Christmas shopping for a few months now while others of us are just starting to realize we need to be thinking about lists. Once you start on those lists you'll undoubtedly come across those hard-to-buy for people who need nothing and really only want things with price tags containing commas so then you start to think about practical and useful gifts but getting them underwear would be super weird. 🩲So, what do to, what to do??Enter the gift of MEAT! 🥩Practical: everyone needs to eat. It fits every size. Useful: we have great options for everyone from 13 different gift boxes to swag and gift cards!Thoughtful: you've introduced them to a great little local farm (which they've been wanting to do themselves but didn't know where to start) or they already know & love TF and always want more! I can keep going but I think we hit all the high points you amazing life-saving, world-changing excellent-gift-giver you! Available GIFT BOXES include: Bacon Me Crazy! Brat LoversBreakfast of ChampionsBYOB: Build Your Own BurgerGame Day (pictured below)The Dad Box (pictured above)The Grandpa BoxHot Hot Hot!! I Love Ewe! Snack Time! The SmokehouseWhole Farm DelightTo make your life even easier we can even overnight ship or deliver locally to the recipient on your behalf! Oh and I should probably mention that the gift boxes are not in a Christmas-only gift box but work for birthdays (I feel bad for those of you with birthdays around the holidays), housewarmings, whatever!Have a really long list?? Please reach out if are interested in customizing or ordering gift boxes in bulk for clients, co-workers, etc by calling/texting 715-210-4740 or emailing togetherfarms@gmail.com (with any questions really). We've also got meal kits (make an especially great gift for new moms & people that hate cooking!), 100% grassfed/finished beef & lamb, pastured pork & chicken, gift cards (for meat now or use at Burger Night later) and even some swag for yourself! No matter what you give or where you are - have a very Merry Christmas!!Steph